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key fundy designer v7 black: Fundy Designer Announces v7 of Its Professional Sales Suite,Review: Using Fundy Designer 7 to Create Wedding Album Designs in ...,Fundy Designer - The All-in-One Suite for Album Design and Wall Art,Drop Zones - Fundy Software Help Center,
key fundy designer v7 black


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With v7, Fundy has taken an already must-have album builder to the next level. The new organizational tools and image browser make wrangling a large collection of images considerably easier than in v6 and the cleaner, white UI is easy on the eyes.
Fundy Software, creator of Fundy Designer, the only template-free, full suite of design solutions for the professional photographer, today announced Fundy Designer 7.0, featuring the...
Fundy Designer Version 7 is now available for download! We can't wait for you to try this revolutionary new version and the world's first professional auto design function. If you've purchased the upgrade already, just head to the download page and log in.
All first time purchases and upgrades from v6/v7 qualify for a free 3 month trial of Pro Enhancements. During that period, you will have unlimited access to the Pro Enhancements features and will be able to test them thoroughly before your subscription is set to renew.